1. The story of creation In the beginning, before time began, the Bible tells us how God created the world. The earth was an empty and dark place and there was no life or light. In the six days, God created the world and everything living on the earth. The first thing God created was the light. God said, ”let there be light.” Suddenly, the first bright light began to shine on the empty, stormy waters covering the earth. God saw the light was good and he named the light “day”, and he called the darkness “night.” Now, God commanded the waters covering the whole earth to pull back. God divided the earth between the dry land and the big seas. And so it happened. Now the world had mountains and valleys. It had lakes and rivers. And God said “let the earth be filled with green grass.” He put tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. He filled the world with color. And God saw all he created was wonderful and said to himself, “this is good.” On the fourth day, God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. He made the sun shine from the sky during the day and the moon to shine in the night along with all the countless glittering stars of the universe. But the earth was very quiet and still because no living beings had been created. Then, on the fifth day, God created fish in the seas and rivers, and birds to fly through the sky. On the sixth day, God made animals of every kind to live on the dry land of the earth. God made every animal you can think of, from elephants and zebra’s, lions and cattle, sheep, dogs and cats, to all the smallest creature you can find on the earth. When God had created all this, He said, “this is really, really, good.” God was almost finished creating the world, but something important was still missing. God knew the fantastic of all this creations had not yet been created. 1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A:God only created rivers on the fourth day B:All animals that God created were small C:God made the sun on the fifth day D:God saw all he created was wonderful 答案: God saw all he created was wonderful
